What is ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)?

A metric used to calculate the profitability of advertising campaigns.

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ROAS, or Return on Ad Spend, is a metric used to determine the effectiveness and profitability of online advertising campaigns. It measures the revenue generated from each dollar spent on advertising. Essentially, ROAS answers the question: "For every dollar I spend on advertising, how much am I earning back?"

Importance of Tracking ROAS

  • Budget Allocation: By understanding the return from various advertising channels, businesses can allocate their budgets more effectively and prioritize channels that provide the best returns.
  • Campaign Effectiveness: ROAS helps advertisers understand which campaigns are resonating with their target audience and which might need adjustment.
  • Profitability Insights: Tracking ROAS ensures that advertising efforts lead to profitability. A consistently low ROAS might indicate that ad spend is exceeding the revenue it's generating.
  • Strategic Decision Making: With a clear picture of advertising performance, businesses can make informed decisions on scaling campaigns, introducing new ones, or eliminating underperforming ads.

How to Calculate ROAS

It's a straightforward formula:

  • ROAS=Revenue from Ad Campaign ÷ Cost of Ad Campaign​

For example, if you earned $500 from a campaign that cost $50, your ROAS would be 10, meaning you earned $10 for every dollar spent.

Choosing the Right Tools for ROAS Tracking

Several tools and platforms can help businesses track ROAS efficiently:

  1. Google Analytics: A popular tool that offers insights into traffic sources and conversions, aiding in understanding the revenue generated from specific ad campaigns.
  2. Advertising Platform Dashboards: Platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads Manager, and Bing Ads provide built-in analytics that include ROAS metrics.
  3. Third-party Analytics Software: Solutions like Mixpanel or Kissmetrics offer advanced analytics capabilities that can be tailored to track ROAS across various campaigns.

Setting Up ROAS Tracking

  1. Set Clear Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your ads, whether it's sales, sign-ups, or another conversion metric.
  2. Tag Your Ads: Use UTM parameters or other tagging methods to trace visitors from specific campaigns.
  3. Integrate E-commerce and Ad Platforms: Ensure your e-commerce platform is integrated with your advertising platforms for seamless data exchange.
  4. Monitor Regularly: Check your ROAS metrics regularly, and adjust campaigns accordingly to maximize returns.


ROAS is an indispensable metric for businesses, especially in the realm of SaaS, where understanding the return on investment is crucial for growth and sustainability. By effectively tracking and understanding ROAS, businesses can ensure that their advertising dollars are being spent wisely and driving tangible results.

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