What is a Lookalike Audience?

A group of people who share characteristics with your current customers, allowing you to target similar potential customers.

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A lookalike audience is a type of audience in digital advertising where a platform, such as Facebook or Google, identifies and targets users who are similar in characteristics and behaviors to a business's existing customers. This is achieved by analyzing the data and attributes of a company's current audience (like their existing customers or website visitors) and then finding new potential customers who exhibit similar patterns or interests.

The Importance of Lookalike Audiences

  • Efficient Scaling: One of the primary benefits of lookalike audiences is the ability to efficiently scale marketing efforts. Once a business has found a formula or an audience segment that works, lookalike audiences can help replicate that success by targeting a larger group of potential customers who share similar traits.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Since lookalike audiences are modeled on existing customers or engaged users, the chances of the new audience being interested in the product or service are higher. This can lead to better conversion rates compared to targeting a completely new demographic.
  • Cost-Effective: Reaching out to a more relevant audience can result in a more efficient use of advertising budget. This is because targeting users who are more likely to be interested in the offering can reduce wasted ad spend on less interested parties.
  • Versatility: While particularly beneficial for SaaS businesses aiming to find users similar to their existing clientele, the concept of lookalike audiences can be applied across various industries and campaign types, from app installations to product sales.

How to Create a Lookalike Audience

  1. Source Audience Selection: Start by identifying a source audience. This could be a list of your best customers, email subscribers, or even users who've engaged with your content. Platforms like Facebook allow you to upload this list directly.
  2. Choose a Platform: Different platforms have their own version of lookalike audiences, be it Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, or others. Depending on where your audience is most active, choose a platform that aligns with your business goals.
  3. Determine Similarity Range: Some platforms allow you to adjust the "similarity" of your lookalike audience. A narrower range might result in a smaller audience that's more similar to your source, while a broader range would increase the audience size but might be less precise.
  4. Combine with Other Targeting: While a lookalike audience can be used on its own, it can also be combined with other targeting criteria like demographics, interests, or behaviors to further refine your audience.
  5. Monitor and Adjust: After launching your campaign, keep an eye on performance metrics. Depending on results, you might need to adjust the source audience or similarity range to optimize performance.


A lookalike audience is a powerful tool in the digital advertiser's toolkit, allowing businesses from SaaS platforms to e-commerce stores to find and engage with potential customers who are more likely to resonate with their offerings. By understanding the principles behind it and continuously optimizing, companies can ensure they're reaching the right people and making the most of their advertising budget.

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