What is Keyword Planner?

A Google Ads tool for new or experienced advertisers to search for keywords and see their performance and relevance over time.

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Keyword Planner is a tool offered by Google Ads that helps advertisers research keywords for their search campaigns. It provides information on search volume and competition and even suggests new keywords that businesses might not have considered. This data allows advertisers to make informed decisions about which keywords to target, ensuring their ads reach the most relevant audience.

How Keyword Planner Works

  1. Keyword Discovery: Enter words, phrases, or a URL related to your business, and Keyword Planner will suggest keywords that might be relevant for you.
  2. Historical Metrics: For each keyword, you can see historical data including average monthly searches, competition level, and average bid prices.
  3. Forecasts: Based on your bid and budget, Keyword Planner can forecast the clicks, impressions, and conversions you might expect.
  4. Refine Keywords: Filter keyword suggestions based on parameters like location, language, or search network settings.
  5. Export Data: Once you've finalized your keyword list, you can export it to use in your Google Ads campaigns or for further analysis.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Keyword Planner

  1. Over-relying on High Volume Keywords: While it's tempting to target keywords with massive search volumes, they can be highly competitive and expensive. It's often more effective to also target longer-tail keywords that may have lower search volumes but are more specific and less competitive.
  2. Ignoring Relevance: Just because a keyword has a high search volume doesn't mean it's relevant to your business or campaign. Always ensure that the keywords you select align with your business goals and the intent of potential customers.
  3. Neglecting Negative Keywords: While Keyword Planner can suggest numerous keywords, not all might be a perfect fit. Remember to identify and exclude negative keywords – those that are not relevant to your campaign – to prevent wasting ad spend.
  4. Setting and Forgetting: Keyword trends can change over time. It's important to periodically revisit Keyword Planner to update your keyword strategies based on new data.
  5. Not Utilizing Geographic Targeting: For SaaS businesses that have a particular focus (such as targeting specific countries or regions), failing to set geographic parameters can lead to skewed data. Make sure to refine your keyword suggestions based on your target geographies.


Keyword Planner is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any advertiser, from SaaS founders to retail businesses. By understanding how to use it effectively and being aware of common pitfalls, you can harness its insights to build stronger, more effective search campaigns. Always ensure that your keyword strategy aligns with your business goals, and remember to periodically reassess and adjust your approach.

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