What is Earned Media?

Publicity gained through any promotional efforts aside from paid media advertising.

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Earned media refers to the publicity and recognition a brand or business receives as a result of unpaid efforts, often stemming from word-of-mouth, press coverage, and organic mentions on social media or other platforms. Unlike traditional advertising where a business directly pays for exposure, earned media is gained naturally due to the genuine interest and engagement of external parties.

The Importance of Earned Media

  • Trustworthiness: Since earned media isn't bought, audiences often view it as more genuine and trustworthy compared to paid promotions. Recommendations from real users or positive press coverage can significantly boost a brand's credibility.
  • Extended Reach: Earned media can amplify a brand's reach beyond its existing audience. A single viral post or a high-profile media mention can expose the brand to a vast new audience.
  • Cost-Effective: While it's not strictly free—since efforts to gain earned media may involve manpower, time, and resources—it doesn't require direct payment like paid advertising. For startups or businesses on a tight budget, this can be especially beneficial.
  • SEO Benefits: Positive mentions, backlinks, and other forms of earned media can enhance search engine rankings, driving organic traffic to the brand's website.

For SaaS companies, reviews, testimonials, or features in tech publications can be particularly impactful forms of earned media, showcasing the solution's real-world applications and advantages.

Differences between Earned, Paid, and Owned Media

  1. Earned Media: As already described, it's the publicity garnered through unpaid efforts. Examples include mentions in news outlets, customer testimonials, social media shares, and reviews.
  2. Paid Media: This involves promotional efforts for which a company pays directly. Examples are pay-per-click ads, display ads, sponsored content, and influencer partnerships.
  3. Owned Media: These are the platforms and content owned and controlled by the business itself. Company websites, blogs, email newsletters, and official social media profiles are forms of owned media.

Strategies to Generate Earned Media

  1. High-Quality Content: Whether it's a blog post, a software tool, or an infographic, high-quality content can capture the attention of audiences and the press alike.
  2. Engage on Social Media: Being active and responsive on social media platforms can encourage users to share, mention, or engage with your content and brand.
  3. Public Relations: Building strong relationships with journalists and industry influencers can lead to valuable media mentions.
  4. Encourage Reviews: For SaaS businesses, reviews on platforms like G2 Crowd or Capterra can act as influential earned media. Prompting satisfied users to leave a review can be beneficial.
  5. Host or Attend Events: Webinars, workshops, or participation in industry conferences can lead to organic mentions and publicity.


Earned media, though challenging to acquire, offers invaluable benefits in terms of brand credibility, reach, and organic growth. While it requires consistent effort and a genuine commitment to quality and engagement, the returns—in terms of trust and authenticity—can set a brand apart in crowded marketplaces. For SaaS businesses, this can be the difference between blending in and standing out.

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