What is a Display URL?

The web page address that appears within your ad, commonly in green text.

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A display URL is the web address that is shown to users in an advertisement. While it is often simplified and designed for readability, it gives viewers an idea of where they'll be taken if they click on the ad. It's more of a visual reference and may not necessarily be the exact web page to which a user is directed.

Importance of Display URLs

Display URLs serve multiple functions in digital advertising:

  • Credibility and Trust: By showing a recognizable web address, businesses can instill confidence in users that they're clicking on a legitimate link.
  • Branding: The display URL can reinforce the brand name or specific product, helping in brand recall.
  • Relevance: It indicates the content or theme of the landing page, setting the right expectations for the user before they click.
  • Ad Space Optimization: Given that ads have limited space, display URLs can provide additional context about the offer or destination without using up valuable ad copy space.

For SaaS businesses, where user trust is paramount given the digital nature of the product, a clear and relevant display URL can make the difference between a click that converts and one that doesn't.

The Difference Between a Display URL and a Destination URL

While both are components of digital ads, they serve different purposes:

  • Display URL: This is the visual URL shown in the ad, primarily for readability and context. It's a cosmetic element and is usually shortened or tailored to align with the ad's message. For instance, an ad might show the display URL as "example.com/promo."
  • Destination URL: This is the actual link where users are taken when they click on the ad. It might be longer, have tracking parameters, or be a deep link within a website. Using the previous example, the destination URL might look like "www.example.com/products/promo?utm_source=adplatform."

Best Practices for Display URLs

  1. Keep it Relevant: The display URL should match the content and theme of the landing page. Misleading users can lead to a higher bounce rate.
  2. Brand Consistency: Incorporate your brand name in the display URL to build recognition and trust.
  3. Simplicity is Key: A display URL should be easy to read and understand. Avoid jargon or overly complex terms.
  4. Utilize Keywords: For platforms like search ads, including a relevant keyword in the display URL can signal relevance to users and potentially improve ad performance.
  5. Test and Optimize: As with all aspects of digital advertising, A/B test different display URLs to determine which resonate best with your audience, especially if you're in the competitive SaaS market.


The display URL, while a seemingly minor detail in digital ads, carries significant importance in setting user expectations, building trust, and optimizing ad performance. For businesses, especially in the SaaS realm, understanding and effectively utilizing display URLs can be a small but impactful component of a successful digital marketing strategy.

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