What is 404 Not Found?

An HTTP status code that means the page a user is trying to reach cannot be found on the server.

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The "404 Not Found" error serves as an internet signal indicating that a website can't locate the requested page. This typically happens due to expired or broken links, content that has been moved or deleted, or simply mistyped URLs.

The Impact of 404 Errors

For Users

From a user's perspective, encountering a 404 error can be jarring, likened to hitting an unexpected dead-end on a journey. Such disruptions not only momentarily halt their exploration but can also leave them questioning the reliability and professionalism of the brand they're interacting with.


From an SEO standpoint, an abundance of 404 errors can paint a picture of a poorly maintained site. This can lead to diminished authority in the eyes of search engines, resulting in fewer site visitors and reduced visibility in search results.

Reasons for 404 Errors

Internal Causes

  • Websites evolve, and as new content gets added, old content may be moved or removed. If internal links aren't updated correspondingly, they can lead to these errors.
  • Neglected site structures, especially after a major overhaul or redesign, can also contribute.

External Causes

  • When other websites or platforms link to your site's content, and your URLs change or content is deleted, these external links can cause 404 errors.
  • Sometimes, shared links on social media platforms can also lead to these issues if they reference outdated pages.

Strategies to Counter 404 Errors

In terms of SEO, it's crucial to manage changes on a site proactively. One effective approach is to use redirects, especially 301 redirects, which guide both users and search engines from an old page to a relevant new page. This ensures that the link retains its value and relevance.

Another way to mitigate the negative impact of 404s is by designing engaging error pages. Rather than presenting users with a bland error message, brands can use this space to reflect their personality, be it through humor, interactive elements, or unique designs. Alongside this, it's valuable to offer practical tools like a search bar, links to popular topics, or a simple pathway back to the homepage. 

By allowing your brand's character to shine through, whether playful, professional, or quirky, it can turn a potential frustration into an engagement point. While aesthetics are crucial, they should be balanced with utility to guide lost users effectively.

Regular Monitoring and Audits

It's essential to consistently track and address 404 errors. Tools such as Google Search Console can be instrumental in this regard. Recognizing the difference between "soft" and "hard" 404 errors can lead to more effective problem resolution. Regular analysis of website traffic and patterns can also highlight recurring errors or problematic links, allowing for timely interventions.

Engaging in open communication with bloggers or other websites that link to your content can ensure that external links remain updated and accurate. Informing them about any significant changes or updates can drastically reduce the occurrence of 404s from external sources.


The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and while 404 errors remain a common hiccup, they present brands with a unique opportunity. 

By understanding, managing, and creatively addressing these errors, companies can not only prevent potential pitfalls but also enhance user engagement and brand perception. It's a testament to the idea that even in challenges, there's always room for innovation and progress.

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