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Agency Life
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6 Work From Home Tips & Tricks

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6 Work From Home Tips & Tricks
Agency Life
Last updated: 
February 6, 2024
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Remote work is becoming more and more prevalent. Workers today want more flexibility in their lives. Here at SimpleTiger, we have a fully remote team that has been working from home for years. Our team has put together a list of some of our best tips for those who are working from home for the first time.

1. Don’t Work From Bed

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Awe yes, working from home has many perks. When you first start working from home it can be tempting to work from your bed. We highly caution against this. Once you designate your workspace as your bed, it can be tricky to separate work from rest-time. Always have a designated place to work outside your bedroom.

2. Create a Home Office Setup  

At SimpleTiger, we’re all used to working remotely, but this can be a challenge if you don’t have a home office setup in place. Carve out a separate space in your home. Even if you are living in a small apartment, your best bet is to find a table or counter space that you can plop down your laptop on and get to work.

3. Turn Off Distractions  

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One of the hardest parts of working from home can be distractions. Try shutting the door to the room you’re working in, informing your family or those you live with of your need to focus, and turning off notifications on your phone and computer. Doing this will allow you to zero in on tasks that need to be completed.

4. Stick to a Routine

If you like a cup of coffee in the morning, make it at home. If you like to get up or go to bed at a certain time, stick to that. While it may not be totally feasible to stick to exact normal working hours, make sure that you try to create a sense of normalcy around your life and your work habits as much as possible. Having a routine will help you be successful at work.

5. Do Tasks in Sprints  

If you have several one-off items to take care of in a day, the best way to do them is in sprints. For 90 minutes, turn off all distractions (even email and Slack) and laser focus on one task until it’s completed. Afterwards, take a quick 30 minute break. You won’t believe how much you can accomplish if you accomplish just 3 sprints in one day.

6. Take Breaks

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No matter where you work, it’s almost impossible to work straight through the day. Keep in mind that at the office everyone takes breaks to chat with co-workers, check their accounts, or otherwise unplug from work for a little bit during the day. Make sure to extend this to your work from home situation. Stop and eat lunch, socialize with family and friends, and generally try to enjoy yourself as much as possible. Many people find themselves overworked when they switch to a work from home situation. Take that well-deserved break!

Working remotely comes with so many benefits and can be one of the best changes to your life. Utilizing these tips will help you transition into being a remote worker. Creating a designated workspace, avoiding distractions, sticking to a routine, and making sure you take ample breaks will help you become a work from home pro in no time!


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Sean Smith
Sean Smith

Sean is Chief Operating Officer at SimpleTiger, responsible for operations, process creation, team utilization and growth, as well as sometimes direct client consultation.

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