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SaaS SEO Guide
Agency Life
 min read

Introduction: Matthew Wilson, SEO Technologist

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Introduction: Matthew Wilson, SEO Technologist
Agency Life
Last updated: 
February 6, 2024
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Where did you grow up? Where else have you lived? Where do you currently live?

I was born In Corpus Christi, TX. However, living there didn’t last long. I then went on an involuntary journey of living here, there and everywhere for the next umpteen years. The list includes Hawaii, Alaska, Las Vegas, California, Oregon, Washington, Louisiana, South Carolina - the list goes on. I am now currently located in beautiful Ontario with my wife Julia and two children Madelyn and Levi.

How would your family and friends describe you (in one word)?

I really don’t know. And if they had the courage, they would say it to my face. I don’t care if you’re complimenting my charm, intelligence or height - you can surely tell me straight up what you think of me. Stop being cowards, people. Did I mention that my family and friends don’t talk to me?

How would you describe your family (you can use more than one word, how do you enjoy spending your time together)?

In all seriousness, I am a family man. Life isn’t about possessions, accolades or stature, it’s about serving God and serving people. I’ve been blessed with a beautiful wife, two gorgeous children, a roof over my head and food to wear and clothes to eat. Wait.

I enjoy spending time with my family by laying all my other obligations and worries at the door and devoting my time to enjoying life’s precious moments with them. Tomorrow is not guaranteed, so spend today appreciating them instead of when it may be too late.

What are the values that drive you (to succeed, in life, as a person, etc.)?

Sometimes, it’s a wonderful surge of dopamine to see something you’ve created come to life and get praise. However, if I based my life’s satisfaction on the praise of others, or what I could create and contribute - these are motives would only satiate a temporal pleasure. It’s a house built on sand.

My goal in life could be summed up in a couple verses.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

What is the most random thing you’ve ever watched all the way through on Netflix?

I just watched one of the most riveting and engaging animated films on Netflix the other day. It’s called Little Baby Bum. I’d rather not speak any more on this. Just know that I never want to hear another nursery rhyme again.

Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?

Are you asking if I’ve done these or which one I would enjoy the most? The answer is no.  

Where would you like to go on vacation if you had a month off and money was no object?

I love the aesthetics of classical western Europe, and my wife is Dutch so I would love to give Holland a visit! Another absolute dream of a vacation would be New Zealand. Just book me for the whole stay at Hobbiton.

What is your favorite tech tool and why?

I guess I’m a simpleton, because a desktop computer and smart phone is enough for every tech need I have. I’m considering getting an Amazon Echo, but I think it would be weird to have your dinner guest be the CIA.

Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans or obligations?

Oh boy. There is a place in my small town called Makimono. It’s an all you can eat sushi restaurant. The good thing is that it’s all made to order. Everything they serve is some of the best I’ve had, including dishes like lo mein and pad thai. It’s only $25 a person at dinner.

It’s so worth it. I need to take up residence at this place.

What is your secret to remote-work success?

What’s the old adage...if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It’s pivotal to make sure your day, and even your week is loaded with tasks to keep you occupied at a comfortable pace. It always feels best when you know exactly what you’re going to do all day. Another tip is to get to an environment that’s free of distractions. Otherwise, they will steal your cognition.

What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?

I have a black spot on my right thumb. It happened by me fidgeting with a mechanical pencil back in sixth grade. I basically banged the business end of the pencil right into my thumb, and that little piece of graphite is still under my skin.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

I Then Shall Live by Gaither Vocal Band. So moving and powerful.

Fun Fact!

Matt has been recording music and making video content for many years - and loves to cook! Another fun fact is that he called 911 when he was six years old because he had diarrhea.


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Jeremiah Smith
Jeremiah Smith

Jeremiah is Chief Executive Officer at SimpleTiger, responsible for high level vision, team growth, partnerships, and revenue generation as well as sometimes consulting clients directly.

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