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Agency Life
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Introduction: Caitlin Schubert, Production Manager

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Introduction: Caitlin Schubert, Production Manager
Agency Life
Last updated: 
February 6, 2024
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Where did you grow up? Where else have you lived? Where do you currently live?
I  was born and raised in Naples, Florida. I moved to Tallahassee after  high school to attend Florida State University (GO NOLES!) and right  after graduation, I moved to Perth, Western Australia for a "12-week  work contract" that ended up lasting three years.

How would your family and friends describe you (in one word)?
I'm  going to need to use two words for this one, sorry! My entire family  has a running joke that I was "born-ready". I'm always the first one  everywhere, painfully and awkwardly early with snacks packed for every  car ride and Google Map instructions printed out to get anywhere because  I don't trust my iPhone.

How would you describe your family (you can use more than one word, how do you enjoy spending your time together)?
Active.  My Dad raced professional motocross and is now an avid kiteboarder and  my Mom was a nationally ranked tennis player in her youth and will still  run you off the court today. My only sibling, my brother, was a  multi-sport athlete in high school and still kickflips and ollies like  it's nobody's business. We are all avid boaters and love to spend  weekends on the island, grilling burgers and paddleboarding with our  Golden Retriever, Harper.

What are the values that drive you (to succeed, in life, as a person, etc.)?
Passion  for everything and anything I do in my life. Commitment to the things I  am passionate about and gratitude for all of the things that I have  been given, have worked for and have to look forward to in the future.

What is the most random thing you’ve ever watched all the way through on Netflix?
I watched Tabloid,  a documentary that follows former pageant queen Joyce McKinney’s  bizarre quest to “win back” a young Mormon man with whom she’s obsessed  with. Literally one of the weirdest things I have ever watched. I kept  thinking it was going to get less weird and then the credits started  rolling and I was in awe that I had just sat there and watched the  entire thing.

Shark diving, bungee jumping, or sky diving?
None  of the above, yet! But if I had the choice, bungee jumping. Kind of  like sky diving but at least you're attached to something. And as long  as I could bring snacks after arriving over an hour early and reading  every instruction manual and safety pamphlet in the lobby.  

Where would you like to go on vacation if you had a month off and money was no object?
I  would love to return to Italy but with my German/Italian/Australian  husband in tow. We would rent a car and drive from city to city, our  only concrete destination being the Calabria Region, where my husband's  family is from. We're both passionate about wine and cheese, so it would  basically be a food-tour of Italy with some history and educational  tours sprinkled in here and there.

What is your favorite tech tool and why?
My Kindle. I'm a speed-reader and can get really, really lost in a good book.

Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans or obligations?
There  is a large, empty piece of property in my neighborhood that my dog,  Harper, adores. It is on the water and overlooks the beautiful canal  that my neighborhood is situated on. I try to take her down there 4-5  times a week so she can watch the fish jump and I can relax in the  sunshine. If you're ever looking for me, I'm probably there.

What is your secret to remote-work success?
My  husband comes home several times a week and has lunch with me which  breaks up my day. My Mom has worked remotely for over ten years and she  is my neighbor so we will often take breaks to go for a walk or to the  grocery store. Both of these things make my work days so nice! I am also  very organized and task-oriented which naturally makes me want to get  things done everyday.

What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
Remember  my brother? The one I mentioned above who ollies and kickflips like  nobody's business? He strapped me to a big wheeled skate board when I  was 12 and pushed me down a very big hill at our grandparent's farm.  Needless to say, I didn't make it very far and my adult knees tell the  story pretty well in two identical scars gracing my otherwise unmarred  legs.

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts (Originally by Tom Cochrane)
This  song always gives me such a wanderlust feel and the travel-itch.  Traveling has been a huge part of my entire life. I have been to several  third-world countries on many mission trips, backpacked through Europe,  driven across Australia in a van, climbed rice patties and eaten lunch  on volcanoes in Indonesia and seen a lot of the beauty that our own  country has to offer. With many more destinations on my list, this song  is definitely perfect for my life!

Fun Fact!

Caitlin  is obsessed with home interiors, wood working and renovating. Both she  and her husband spent 16 months renovating a dilapidated house that  Caitlin bought when she was 20-years-old. They gutted it from the inside  out and turned a once neighborhood eyesore into a beautiful new home.


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Caitlin Schubert
Caitlin Schubert
Operations Manager

Caitlin is Operations Manager at SimpleTiger, responsible for overseeing process creation and innovation as well as improving the overall effectiveness of our team.

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