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Holiday Marketing: 5 Steps to Success

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Holiday Marketing: 5 Steps to Success
Content Marketing
Last updated: 
February 6, 2024
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Holiday marketing can support a winning SEO plan by providing opportunities for seasonal promotions. But successful seasonal marketing requires careful planning. Many marketers don’t start thinking about holiday promotions until the last minute, which is a mistake. You should start planning your holiday campaign as early as possible to ensure you’re ready in time for the season. Here are five steps to help you prepare a winning campaign:

  1. Define your purpose
  2. Set your goals
  3. Identify required assets
  4. Create your promotional strategy
  5. Track your results

Read on to learn how to execute each of these steps for a successful holiday marketing campaign.


Step 1: Define Your Purpose

Build your holiday marketing campaign on a firm foundation by clarifying your overall objective. Verbalize the concept of your campaign, how it ties into your holiday theme, what you’re offering and what specific actions you want your prospects to take in response to your offer. For example:

  • Are you trying to get prospects to sign up for a free trial of your software offered as a holiday gift?
  • Are you trying to get existing customers to upgrade at a discounted holiday rate?

In the process of defining your holiday campaign, you should specify which holiday your marketing campaign will involve. You can create different offers for different holidays. You may also find that certain offers can be reused on multiple holidays by making appropriate thematic adjustments. Holidays occur every month of the year, so if you’re creative, you can get a lot of leverage out of variations on a good holiday offer. Consider creating a holiday marketing schedule for the coming year so that you can get a head start on long-term planning.

Step 2: Set Your Goals

With your campaign’s overall purpose in mind, you can define some benchmark goals which serve your objective. Consider which goals you would need to reach in order to achieve your campaign’s ultimate objective. Do you need to:

  • Attract new leads?
  • Grow your email list?
  • Generate software registrations?

When defining goals, be as specific as possible. For instance, if you’re trying to attract new leads, specify how many leads you would need to reach a target revenue goal, given your current conversion rate. If you’re trying to grow your email list, how many subscribers are you trying to add? If you’re trying to generate software registrations, how many new users are you trying to attract? Using specific numbers can help you determine how much marketing activity you’ll need to undertake in order to achieve your goals.

In some cases, you may decide you only need to pursue one specific goal in order to achieve the purpose of your campaign. In other cases, you may decide to define your strategy in terms of multiple goals which serve a common objective. Choose a goal or set of goals based on your campaign’s needs.

Step 3: Identify Required Assets

Once you’ve defined your strategic goals, you can identify which assets you will need to create to achieve those goals. Examples of assets you may need include:

  • Landing pages
  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • SEO campaigns
  • PPC ad campaigns
  • Email campaigns

Select a mix of assets which supports your campaign’s goals. Some asset categories may require multiple subcategories. For example, if you’re developing blog posts to support an SEO campaign, you may need a number of blogs to cover a list of keywords. Assets take time to develop and this should be taken into consideration in your planning.


Step 4: Create Your Promotional Strategy

After identifying which assets you need to create, the next step is to develop a promotional strategy for distributing those assets. Examples of channels you can use to distribute your assets include:

  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Social media profiles
  • Search engine marketing
  • PPC marketing
  • Email marketing

Your promotional strategy will parallel your list of required assets. For each asset and channel, you will need to create an action plan, schedule and budget. For example, if you’ll be using SEO to generate organic traffic for a landing page, you’ll need to do keyword research to identify which terms to target. You can include holiday-specific long-tailed phrases as well as other phrases relevant to your target audience.

Step 5: Track Your Results

Before executing your promotional strategy, set up a system for tracking your results in order to evaluate your performance and make adjustments. To do this, express your campaign’s goals in terms of key performance indicators (KPIs) which quantify your results. For example, common SaaS marketing metrics include:

  • Qualified marketing traffic, representing the number of visitors arriving at your site who meet criteria characteristic of your target market
  • Conversion rate, identifying the percentage of visitors who take some desired action, such as signing up for your app
  • Bounce rate, measuring how often visitors leave your site without taking any buying-oriented actions

Tracking your results allows you to evaluate whether your promotional strategies are working and what adjustments you might need to make to improve your performance. For example, if your traffic is too low to meet your campaign goals, you may need to increase your marketing activity or adopt new promotional tactics.

To make your tracking system practical, set up systems that make it easy to review your results. You can do this by creating customized dashboards and reports which display key metrics at a glance. Schedule a regular review of results to ensure that you monitor them closely and respond with appropriate actions.

Use Holiday Marketing to Jumpstart your SEO

Holiday marketing offers a great way to generate SEO results by capitalizing on seasonal marketing opportunities. For best results, your holiday marketing strategy should be supported by a comprehensive SEO strategy. SimpleTiger specializes in helping B2B SaaS providers develop customized SEO plans which generate traffic and win customers. Schedule a discovery call today to talk with our experts about how we can help you drive more traffic to your site during the holidays and throughout the year.


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Sean Smith
Sean Smith

Sean is Chief Operating Officer at SimpleTiger, responsible for operations, process creation, team utilization and growth, as well as sometimes direct client consultation.

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